And I got an offer in two days… (patience is easy in Costa Rica)

HA! I forgot to mention in my last post, I got an offer in TWO DAYS. The house went up on the market 3 days after I left for Costa Rica. And in 2 days, and offer was made. The exact offer that I had prayed for.

I’m taking the easy way this year. That has been another theme for my life lately; ease. I’ve committed to living a life of ease by remaining surrendered and aligned to my Creator and His plan for me. But ease, simply because He wants it for me.

So when the offer came, and I knew I had prayed and gotten that exact vision and I prayed some more and felt God reveal to me the blessing this home would be to this particular family, I aligned with the decision. And so it’s been flowing with ease, and I have been keeping it dipped in prayer so that the enemy doesn’t have a loop hole. Whew. But whatever happens, all things are perfect in His time. So I am patient.

Patience is easy in Costa Rica.

I decided, rather than torture myself in cold weather waiting for the listing and for someone to make an offer, I’d be better off being somewhere warm thawing out all of these ideas that are frozen in my head from fear and the intense cold that is the Upper East Coast in January.

SO, I dipped.

Here’s my most recent IG post, to see what patience in Costa Rica looks like: Click here.


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