Breaking Up to Align


I get it.

That every day struggle between wanting more and wondering if you’ll ever have it all.

Last year, I became a big fan of @juliamichaels.  It started with an obsession over her an @jpsaxe’s, “If the world was ending…,” an appropriate title and theme song for the year we were all having.

Then there was just something about the song, “Worst in Me.” {Swipe for a glimpse of the lyrics}

Last week, as I danced around my sister’s living room to this song, it dawned on me. This song is a very good reflection of the thoughts in our heads as we heal our inner child and dream of what’s possible in the future.

The best in us {future self} wanting more, while the worst in us {broken and abused former self}, wants to stay in the comfort zone out of fear and safety. Then there’s you {present self} stuck in the middle afraid to address the past, unclear on how to create the future.

What if I told you there was a way to bring them into agreement and into alignment with one another? And that by doing so, you’ll feel less anxious, more confident, more whole and completely free.

Retreating into yourself is a practice we all need, in order to find balance, clarity, creativity and freedom. I provide opportunities for this through captivating coaching. One hour each week for you to retreat from the madness and address this inner dialogue.

To hear what folks are saying about coaching with me, check out my “Testimonial” story highlight reel.

There are a number of ways to work with me. You can check those out under “Services,” while you’re here if you would like to learn more.

I look forward to the chance to join you on your journey back to yourself, back to peace, back to freedom. I use a very gentle and captivating coaching experience to help you unpack, clear and renew your thinking so that you become more you. When you’re ready, let’s talk!

But until then— Alexa, play “Worst in Me,” by Julia Michael’s and turn it ALL  the way up! 📻🎶

My background this week as I help women deal with our worst and align with our best.

It’s very much a break up song. But to me, “Worst in Me” now has new meaning. We’re breaking up with bad habits brought on by survival and trauma, and we’re aligning with the best we have to offer this world on the other side of our freedom.


Bex 💋

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