My Journey Into Life Coaching

I resisted it so hard, for so long.

“How would I survive off of that?”

“Who would take me seriously?”

“Everyone is a life coach these days?…. “

“Don’t you want to be different? Literally anyone can be one.”

Bahahahahaaha! The judgement! I had so much doubt looming over my head about this. I mean, I had already tried every major imaginable in college. Just when I felt I was finally carving a lane for myself in the non-profit/management arena, in drops this deep gut level transition. I had been hearing more and more in conversation that talking with me felt “like talking to a life coach.” I resisted; and laughed it off.

I spent a lot of energy wondering what people who knew me would think of the transition. A lot of wasted energy.  But alas, here we are…

… Fully embracing and walking in it. Wow.

What a journey…. So let me tell you what else  happened.

One day in 2017, I did a quick search and found out that Oprah had a life coach. Excuse, me? What?! If Oprah Winfrey needs a life coach, then there’s DEFINITELY a market for it. So that among other things led to me building the confidence to finally surrender to this path.

Today, I came across this article from Oprah Magazine because I am working on my SEO in order to increase my visibility. There’s very limited information out there on life coaching. But here’s an article that  popped up in my market study today. And I love for two reasons:

1.) It just describes it so well. So if you’re confused about life coaching, it will answer your questions.

2.) Amy Scudder (quoted in the article below), is in a facebook coaching community that I am in for the program we trained with, and I referred a colleague to her in 2019 on a whim, that turned out to be an amazing connection, that the colleague still talks about today. (run-on, I know. but you get me.)

One hundred and thirty four hours later of training and nearly a thousand hours of coaching later, I am living a dream and loving every minute of it. And so are the women who get to evolve with me.

It just feels very full circle for reading this. So I’m sharing it here.

For those curious about coaching. I am here to answer your questions, but this article does a very good job of describing the industry and what you’re signing up for when you book a coach. Now keep in mind, every coach is unique. We all have unique systems and strategies that get you where you’re going. It’s a matter of you dedicating the time to be heard and who you TRUST to actually hear you and get you there. So feel ‘em out and choose one that feels right when you ARE ready to leap out there.

Here’s the article.

Besos & Blessings,

Bex xoxo

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