PUBLISHED 11:13PM 5.20.21

I’m sitting here, on my 4th (mini) cup of coffee since 9:00pm. It’s now 10:58pm, and I craving a 5th.

The milk here doesn’t get refrigerated, and I haven’t paused long enough to uncover that mystery. But it’s really good in the coffee. And that’s all I care about.

Anyhow, I changed my bio on IG today. It currently reads:

“I empower women who feel trapped to shift their mindsets, so that they can claim their freedom and walk in authority.”

I’ve also been toying with the idea of a course for women on how to release pain and break cycles. I’ve gone through many iterations of an outline, each one getting better than the last.

I feel really close to the money right now. This might be it… want to hear it?

“Leave the Trap”

A 7-part coaching series. I want it to be different than most courses. I’m still working out the details of it’s function and delivery. But the steps are as follows:

  • Identify the Trap
  • Let it breathe
  • Discover you
  • Protect the wound
  • Walk free
  • Review the Strategy
  • Rewrite the Story

I kind of see this imagery of a bear trap. But there’s also the play on words with the trap culture context, for which I have many correlative examples.

Do you see it? Does it relate to a situation you’re in?

This is essentially the process I take the women I work with through. Getting it into a clear system means I can help more women discover the way out.

Thrilled to help you find clarity, and thus, freedom. Stay tuned!



Here’s a photo of me from earlier today, and proof positive that I am in desperate need of a facial soon. :)

Here’s a photo of me from earlier today, and proof positive that I am in desperate need of a facial soon. 🙂

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